Bhatt Family Session | Montage Palmetto Bluff, SC
Bhatt Family Session | Montage Palmetto Bluff, SC
Where should I have my next family session?
There are several locations to choose from! Family photographs are timeless, and if you are searching to update your current portraits or take some for the first time, I have a few places in mind:
How to Eliminate Fake Smiles During Your Session
How to Get Real, Genuine Smiles From Your Kids
Kids are completely unpredictable. They can be so adorable and easy going and laughing uncontrollably one minute, and the next minute, turn that charm off completely. They will typically smile for you all day long until you put them in front of a camera, then they freeze up like a deer in headlights. We want to avoid the gritted teeth and bug-eyed forced smiles during our session.
Harris Extended Family Session | Palmetto Bluff
The Harris Family live full time in Kentucky but have made Palmetto Bluff their second home. What a great place for family to gather and the grandkids to explore together. I love seeing how unique every family is. Two sets of twins run in the Harris family so that is pretty exciting. Another amazing thing to capture was all the love the Harris’ Family have for adopted son Harris. Adoptions during the pandemic were very hard on families but they never gave up. He is so cherished.
The Power of Bribery
Picture day can be a very, very stressful time if you have children. Finding the right outfit and a date that everyone is available on already causes you a headache. Once you have that down, though, everything is smooth sailing. You have prepared everything to be perfect, and then your worst nightmare happens – your child won’t cooperate. Even after you’ve coached him or her for the past two weeks and the entire car ride leading up to the session, your kiddo still just isn’t having it. You’ve tried all of the usual tricks and nothing is working. Sounds terrible, right?